Most Killing Diseases
Getting disease and being sick is something that we never
want to. We know that disease can kill slowly. Some diseases can be cured by
medicine. However, some other cannot be because the cure has not been found. There
are several diseases which have killed many people and they are called the
deadliest diseases
Heart Disease

Other heart disease which has killed more than 6.7 million
people around the world is stroke. The stroke can happen because of the artery
in the brain is blocked or leaks. It can cause collapse because the
oxygen-deprived brain cells start to die in several minutes. This disease can
be concluded that it cause one dies every four minutes.
Those heart diseases may be able to be cured with medicine
and therapy. However, the most effective way is by preventing. Healthy
lifestyle will help to avoid heart diseases.
HIV/Aids have been known as one of the kill disease. This
disease is caused by virus which is. The virus attaches immune system when it has
infected human. Then, the HIV can lead to AIDS which also known as acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome. AIDS can be classified as the chronic disease which
also a life threatening one. From the Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR),
HIV/AIDS has made 39 million people die. HIV is also one of the diseases that
easily spread. Some people can have HIV from blood transfusion, unsafe sex, and
unsterilized needle. Mostly, the campaign for HIV/AIDS prevention is done by
saying safe sex, which leads to spread condom. Many other people also get this
disease which is caused by the drug abuse. They are junkies and use one needle
for many people.
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